Saturday, April 16, 2016

Legal definition of "Worker" "Workman" in various Acts.


Section 2 of the Factory Act 1934
"worker" means a person employed (Words added by Act XVI of 1973, s.2(a).)[directly or through an agency] whether for wages or not, in any manufacturing process, or in cleaning any part of the machinery or premises used for a manufacturing process, or in any other kind of work whatsoever incidental to or connected with the subject of the manufacturing process, but does not include any person solely employed in a clerical capacity in any room or place where no manufacturing process is being carried on;
See. 2 (h) "worker" ‑‑‑A person who works in a factory whether for wages or not in any of the ways enumerated in this clause is deemed to be employed in that factory. It is immaterial who employs him‑­whether the factory owner, or a contractor or someone else. The definition has a wide scope and also includes persons employed in repairing machinery or putting up new machinery, even if such machinery is not in actual use at the time.
It should be noted that persons employed merely for selling the manu­factured articles do not come within the above definition, for they have nothing to do with work, incidental to or connected with the manufacturing process.
 Persons solely employed in a clerical capacity in any room or place where no manufacturing process is being carried on (e. g. in the manager's office) are not covered by the above definition. But clerks working in those rooms or places where manufacturing process is being carried on (e. g., clerks keeping records of cloth production in the weaving room) are covered by the definition.
 The Supreme Court of India had occasion to interpret this expres­sion. It held that in determining whether a person employed in a factory is ‑worker" the prima facie test is the existence in the employer of the right not merely to direct what work was to be done but also to control the manner in which it was to be done. The nature of the control varies in different industries and. by its nature is incapable of being precisely defined. The decision on the question would, therefore, depend on the facts of each case.
 Certain persons were employed in preparing biris in the premises of a factory on piece‑rates and the conditions were that they could work only in the factory premises and nowhere else, that if they did not reach the factory before mid‑day they were not given any work, that they could be removed if they were absent for eight days continuously and that the biris prepared by them were liable to rejection if they did not come up to the standard, the Court held that the employees would fall within the definition of "worker". (S.C. (Ind.) Bridh Chand Sherma vs. First Civil Judge, Nagpur and others. 1961 LLC 228=1961 11 LLJ 86=1961 PLC 979].
 A mali (gardner) is not a 'worker' as he is not employed in any manufac­turing process. [Khewra Soda Company Employees Union vs. Khewra Soda Company, Khewra. 1961 LLC 505== 1961 PLC 639 (I.C.)]
 (c) "Worker" means any person employed, whether directly or through any other person, in any establishment to do any skilled, or unskilled, manual or clerical work for hire or reward whose monthly wages do not exceed (Subs. For "one thousand" by labour Laws (Amendment) Act. 1995. Sch. (XIV of 1985). Which again substituted for the words “one thousand five hundred” ibid S.7 (a) (i). ) [three thousand) rupees, but does not include‑‑
 (i) person of the State including members of the Armed Force Police Force, Railway servants;
 (ii) Person employed in any undertaking under the control of any defence organisation or railway administration;
Provided that a worker shall not cease to lx‑ a worker fur the‑reason that his monthly wages exceed three thousand rupees or the number of persons employed in the establishment, at any time is reduced to less than ten. ]
 [Notes.‑‑ "Establishment" has been given a very wide definition. It covers any business, trade; manufacture, calling, service or occupation. Bill all establishments are not covered. As per section 3 only those establishments employing ten or more workers are covered.
 “Worker”‑‑Only those doing skilled, unskilled, manual or clerical work for hire or reward, and getting upto Rs. 3000 p.m. are included in the definition.
 Whether a Particular employee falls within ambit of definition of "worker".
 Question to be determined not only by amount of salary, but also by nature of employee's duty. Work of employee not answering description of works mentioned in definition. Such employee, held, would not he covered by Ordinance. The fact that a person .is drawing less than Rs.3000 will not make him a worker within the definition of the Ordinance. But it is also to be examined as to what is the nature of his duties. Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Ltd. (Regd.) s. Director/Collector (Taxes). Excise & Taxation, Karachi and another. 1H.C. (Kar.): 1981 PLC 396.]


(n) " workman " means any person (other than a person whose employment is of a casual nature and who is employed otherwise than for the purposes of the em­ployer's trade or business) who is ----
i) a railway servant as defined in section 3 of the Railways Act, 1890, not permanently employed in any administrative, district or sub‑divisional office of a railway and not employed in any such capacity as is specified in Schedule II, or
 (ii) employed on monthly wages not ex­ceeding one thousand rupees, in any such capacity as is specified in Schedule II,
 whether the contract of employment was made before or after the passing of this Act and whether such contract is expressed or implied, oral or in writing; but does not include any parson working in the capacity of a member of naval, military or air forces and any reference to a workman who has been injured shall, where the workman is dead, include a reference to his dependants or any of them.
 (2) The exercise and performance of the powers and duties of a local authority or of any department acting on behalf of the Government shall, for the purposes of this Act, unless a contrary intention appears, be deemed to be the trade or business of such authority or department.
 (3) The Provincial Government, after giving, by noti­fications in the Official Gazette, not less than three months' notice of its intention so to do, may, by a like notification, add to Schedule II any class of persons employed in any occupation which it is satisfied is a hazardous occupation, and the pro­visions of this Act shall thereupon apply within the Province to such classes of persons
 Provided that in making such addition the Provincial Government may direct that the provisions of this Act shall apply to such classes of persons in respect of specified injuries only.

(i) "workman" means any person employed in any industrial or commercial establishment to do any skilled or unskilled, manual or clerical labour for hire or reward.

 Industrial Relations Act, 2008.

(xxix) “worker”  and  “workman”  mean  person  not  failing  within  the definition of employer who is employed (including employment as a supervisor or as an apprentice) in an establishment or industry for hire or reward either directly or through a contractor whether the terms of employment express or implied, and, for the purpose of any proceedings under this Act in relation to an industrial dispute includes a person who has been dismissed, discharged, retrenched, laid-off  or  otherwise  removed  from  employment  in  connection with  or  as  a  consequence  of  that  dispute  or  whose  dismissal, discharge, retrenchment, lay-off, or removal has led to that dispute but  does  not  include  any  person  who  is  employed  mainly  in managerial or administrative capacity.

 ACT X OF 2012
ACT, 2012
 "worker" and "workman" mean person not falling within the definition of employer who is employed (including employment as a supervisor or as an apprentice) in an establishment or industry for hire or reward either directly or through a contractor whether the terms of employment are express or implied, and, for the purpose of any proceedings under this Act in relation to an industrial dispute includes a person who has been dismissed, discharged, retrenched, laid-off or otherwise removed from employment in connection with . or as a consequence of that dispute or whose dismissal, discharge, retrenchment, lay-off, or removal has led to that dispute but does not include any person who is employed mainly in managerial or administrative capacity.


 . "worker" and "workmen" mean any person not falling within the definition of employer who is employed (including employment as an apprentice) in an establishment or industry for hire or reward either directly or through a contractor whether the terms of employment be expressed or implied, and, for the purpose of any proceedings under this Ordinance in relation to an industrial dispute includes a person who has been dismissed, discharged, retrenched, laid off or otherwise removed from employment in connection with or as a consequence of that dispute or whose dismissal, discharge, retrenchment, lay off, or removal has led to that dispute.
 (xxx) "worker" and "workman" means any and all persons not falling within the definition of employer who is employed in an establishment or industry for remuneration or reward either directly or through a contractor, whether the terms of employment be express of implied, and for the purpose of any proceeding under this Ordinance in relation‑to an industrial dispute includes a person who has been dismissed, discharged, retrenched, laid‑off or otherwise removed from employment in connection with or as a consequence of that dispute or whose dismissal, discharge, retrenchment, lay‑off or removal has led to that dispute but does not include any person who is employed mainly in a managerial or administrative capacity.
(dd) "worker" and "workman" mean person not falling within the definition of employer who is employed (including employment as a supervisor or as an apprentice) in an establishment or industry for hire or reward either directly or through a contractor whether the terms of employment express or implied, and, for the purpose of any proceedings under this Act in relation to an industrial dispute includes a person who has been dismissed, discharged, retrenched, laid-off or otherwise removed from employment in connection with or as a consequence of that dispute or whose dismissal, discharge, retrenchment, lay-off, or removal has led to that dispute but does not include any person who is employed mainly in managerial or administrative capacity.
(n) "workman" means any person including an apprentice employed in any industry to do any skilled or unskilled manual or clerical work for hire or reward and includes, for the purposes of any proceedings under this Ordinance in relation- to an industrial dispute, a workman discharged during that dispute but does not include any person employed in the police or armed forces of Pakistan.
"workman" means any person (including an apprentice) employed in any industry to do any manual, unskilled, skilled,technical, operational, clerical or supervisory work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be express or implied, and for the purposes of any proceeding under this Act in relation to an industrial dispute, includes any such person who has been dismissed,discharged or retrenched in connection with, or as a consequence of,9 that dispute, or whose dismissal, dischasrge or retrenchment has led to that dispute, but does not include any such person—
(i) who is subject to the Air Force Act, 1950 (45 of 1950),or the Army Act, 1950 (46 of 1950), or the Navy Act,
1957 (62 of 1957); or
(ii) who is employed in the police service or as an officer or other employee of a prison; or
(iii) who is employed mainly in a managerial or administrative capacity; or
(iv) who, being employed in a supervisory capacity, drawswages exceeding one thousand six hundred rupees per
mensem or exercises, either by the nature of the duties attached to the office or by reason of the
powers vested in him, functions mainly of a managerial nature. (


f) "workers" in relation to a company means an employee of the company whose average monthly emoluments computed in the manner set forth in the scheme do not exceed one thousand rupees per month and who has been in the employment of the company for a period of not less than six months.
(b) "worker" means any person employed in the processes.

Tea Plantations Labour Ordinance 1962
            "worker" means a person employed in a tea plantation for hire or reward, whether directly or through any agency, to do any work, skilled, unskilled, manual or electrical, but does not include‑
 (i) a medical officer at the tea plantation ;
 (ii) any person whose monthly wages exceed five hundred rupees; or
 (iii) a person employed in a tea plantation primarily in a managerial capacity notwithstanding that his monthly wages do not exceed five hundred rupees ;
 (k) "young person" means a. person who is either a child or an adoles­cent ;